
my brother has an astronomy class so he has been filling me in on little things (haha if that's possible) he has been learning about space and the universe and all that.
and yesterday we were talking about just HOW BIG everything is.
and how small we are. and how minute we are.
and how we seem to occupy our lives with things that ultimately have no meaning.
but what can we do?  it's not like we can do anything about the fact that we are so tiny, it's not like anything we do can really affect anything or matter or whatever...

so humans fill their lives with little things like movies and entertainment (for example) and then have events where these are shown and have interviews to talk about them and comment on their success or their failure or where the movie industry is going but haha what?!
like as soon and the universe enters mind everything seems just about useless.

we are just these little actors on this planet creating little lives for ourselves to stay busy and occupied during our existence and then dying, as if nothing happened.

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