
mars in taurus

The Mars in Taurus person is strongly grounded in the body, manifesting a strong
physical and sexual magnetism that is instinctive. This magnetism creates a vibration
of attraction that creates the necessary sexual experiences through which the Soul learns
about the nature of sexual energy, and the proper and improper use of it. On the one hand,
the sexual nature can be quite primitive in the sense that Mars in Taurus can focus on sex
for its own sake - a desire for intense physical stimulation only, as if the Soul is somehow
separate from the body and emotions. On the other hand, the intensity of sexual experience
the Mars in Taurus creates instinctively unlocks the depths of the emotions that lead to the
Soul. Therefore, a progressive dissatisfaction will occur when sexual energy is limited to
just physical intensity. This dissatisfaction reflects the Mars in Taurus core desire for a total
connection to their Soul and the Soul of the sexual partner. By experiencing the limitation of
just physical sex, the Mars in Taurus person evolves into sexual desires that seek total
absorption with their sexual partner and thus absorption to the Soul within.

Until this is realized, the dynamics as sex as power, control, manipulation, and being
attracted to others as sexual objects, or others being attracted to the Mars in Taurus person
as a sexual object, will occur. When this occurs, the dynamics of sexual addiction, sexual
slavery, sexual infidelity, and relationships that are created for sexual reasons only will occur.
The real lesson begins when Mars in Taurus transmutes profane sex to sacred sex. They
must transform themselves from the prostitute or gigolo to the pure state achieved when the
Soul and body are united through sacred sexual practices.

(Jeff Green - Pluto Volume 2)

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