
frantically writing on the metro, a girl was sitting next to me frantically writing aswell.

always talking about things that happen
always talking about things to come
you we i never take the time to stop and enjoy and think about the now.

but that's because nothing in the now makes us really stop to enjoy it.
The way I see it, the closest things are to nature, the more "now" they seem to make us feel.  The more connected they seem to make us feel to the earth.
The moment is the happiness.  The moment, the part you hardly feel.

Things you can enjoy in the "now":
Sights (beautiful or ugly)
Touching things

(very sophisticated list, I know)
Basically all your senses, what you feel.
The immediacy of those feelings is this "now" that i'm speaking of.

The rest is just useless talk, but I guess to a certain extent. An exception would be planning to do things to help you acquire those moments. This is why people like to eat, like to fuck, will do anyhing for sex because it is the NOW. When you're in it, when you're truly in it, there is nothing else.

walking around with someone downtown talking about what you did last weekened means shit in the development of your relationship when it comes down to it. All you know about them is random facts on how they like to spend their weekend. Does it eally say anything about them outside a societal context? About who they really are deep within, about the makeup of their character? (astrology)

I understand that a world without some kind of society is not possible. People group together. It is only natural and impossible to prevent. However, it seems unnecessary to be involved in it to such a degree that it is what manipulates us and it is no longer how we dictate it to be. We have transformed our society to such a point that is shapes how we are (sociology) and eventually control us.

The creation of stress and unhappiness in human life.

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