
bleh blee blah bloo

writing writing writing caus all i been doin is postin pics and i feel like i could use some writing writing writing on this daaaamn thang.

but what to say you know you know

sometimes i get words in my head and i gotta spill em out and sometimes when i gotta say the words there aint none to say so what can you do what can you do

and then i just repeat repeat repeat hook and catch phrases that may be totally unecessary but yet again what can you do what can you do

and then there's things to think about and should they bother me or should they not bother me or why should they? we think of things and there's no reason to stress and sometimes things happen and you should stress and then you do and sometimes you don't and sometimes you think you wont but then you do and that it just the worst now isn't it don't you think.

i lost my ipod in my bed and i don't know where it is and i have interesting notes on there which i would like to perhaps read and last night i had a line in my head and i wanted to write it down but i couldn't find my pod which i had right next to me like 2 seconds before and i couldnt find a pen near my bed and i was so tired so i just passed out and now that perfect and exact line is lost forever in my mind never to be found again.

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